Photo By: Devvon Simpson
Firebrand garage punk Tommy Stinson – he of both Replacements AND Guns N’ Roses ill-repute – rolled through the City Beautiful last year with his culty early-’90s project Bash & Pop, amply proving that he had lost none of the grit that made him such a unique figure in the American alternative rock landscape. Something about Orlando must have agreed with him, because he’s coming through town again almost a year later with his Cowboys in the Campfire duo with Chip Roberts. It’s the polar opposite of GNR’s stadium bloat or the reunion nostalgia circuit: a beyond low-key romp through record stores, gallery spaces and sundry nonconventional venues, where Stinson and Roberts will casually workshop new songs from a forthcoming album. This is one of two Florida shows, and you get to shop for records before and after the music. Let’s ramble, ramblers.
9 p.m. Tuesday, March 13 | Park Ave CDs, 2916 Corrine Drive | 407-447-7275 | parkavecds.com | $15-$17